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Python Virtualenv

This note is created to send my friends when anytime they ask again how to use virtualenvs in Python 😄

Install virtualenv tool

Debian: $ sudo apt install python3-virtualenv
Fedora: $ sudo dnf install python3-virtualenv

Create virtualenv

In your project folder: $ virtualenv venv --python python3.11

  • venv: the folder which virtualenv will use
  • --python python3.11: The Python binary which virtualenv will use. It's optional but I think this as a nice habit to explicitly say which version of Python to use.

Activate virtualenv

bash shell: $ source ./venv/bin/activate
fish shell: $ source ./venv/bin/

Deactivate virtualenv

You can just run $ deactive after you activate the virtualenv.

Upgrade Python version

You have to remove the virtualenv folder and then create a new virtualenv with the Python version you want. Deactivate the current virtualenv before removing it. You will also need to install the requirements again for the new virtualenv you created.

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