My most frequently used tmux
commands and shortcuts.
$ tmux new -s mysession # Create a new session
$ tmux ls # List sessions
$ tmux attach -t mysession # Attach to a session
$ tmux kill-session -t mysession # Kill a session
PREFIX d - Detach from session
PREFIX $ -> Rename session
PREFIX c - New window
PREFIX 0...9 - Switch to window
PREFIX , - Rename window
PREFIX &` - Kill window
PREFIX " / PREFIX % - Split pane verically / horizontally
PREFIX <arrow keys> - Switch pane
PREFIX Ctrl + <arrow keys> - Resize pane
PREFIX x - Kill pane
PREFIX z - Zoom pane
PREFIX { / PREFIX } - Move pane
Copy mode¶
Enter copy mode by pressing PREFIX [. Then you can move your cursor with arrow keys. Press Ctrl+Space to start selecting text. Press Alt+W to copy selected text.
You can use PREFIX ] to paste copied text if Ctrl+Shift+V doesn't work.